Coalition Boot Camp

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    suiciding troops and hero points


    Posts : 115
    Join date : 2009-03-18
    Location : uk

    suiciding troops and hero points Empty suiciding troops and hero points

    Post  xxjaniexx Tue May 12, 2009 3:07 am

    Every now and then i find i have to suicide a couple of troops (i wish there was a cancel button when you build them, lol). Rather than just wasting them, I was wondering if you might be able to gain something out of it - the theory is - supposing i build a phallanx or something by mistake and send him to an unused village as reinforcement, if i then attack that village with my hero - would i get hero points?

    Posts : 160
    Join date : 2009-01-06

    suiciding troops and hero points Empty Re: suiciding troops and hero points

    Post  rockyroad Tue May 12, 2009 8:49 am

    yes, you would get hero XP out it.

    Recently, noobs have taken to reinforcing me (not sure why). I send everything else out, then attack with my hero. Small bit of hero XP, but nice to kill their troops.

    Posts : 115
    Join date : 2009-03-18
    Location : uk

    suiciding troops and hero points Empty Re: suiciding troops and hero points

    Post  xxjaniexx Tue May 12, 2009 9:45 am

    thankyou, next time i click on the wrong button i'll know it wasn't entirely wasted Smile

    reinforcing big players is something i've seen my hubby do - he isn't in an alliance and as he's attacked most of the villages close by, i won't let him send troops to me (sounds mean - but he has to learn to defend himself). So the only place where he can send his troops and guarantee they are safe is with his attacker. I believe its becoming quite a common tactic but you've obviously worked out how to deal with that problem already lol!

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