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    what is the advantage of having a treasure chamber?


    Posts : 2
    Join date : 2009-04-07

    what is the advantage of having a treasure chamber? Empty what is the advantage of having a treasure chamber?

    Post  oliver Wed Apr 08, 2009 4:50 am

    i was wondering what is the advantage in building a treasure chamber and what is the case with artifacts and how do you get them?

    Posts : 160
    Join date : 2009-01-06

    what is the advantage of having a treasure chamber? Empty Re: what is the advantage of having a treasure chamber?

    Post  rockyroad Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:25 am

    treasure chambers hold the plans for building the WW, which will show up in the end game. When the plans apear in the game, if you have a treasure chamber, you'll see locations in your treasure chamber.

    But for now, treasure chambers have some use. If you have an extra spot in a village, put in a level 1 treasure chamber and just leave it there, at level 1. It will produce 10 CP/Day, which is a huge amount for a single building.

    when you need the spot, tear it out.

    Posts : 2
    Join date : 2009-04-07

    what is the advantage of having a treasure chamber? Empty Re: what is the advantage of having a treasure chamber?

    Post  oliver Wed Apr 08, 2009 1:51 pm


    Posts : 16
    Join date : 2009-04-01
    Age : 39
    Location : East of England

    what is the advantage of having a treasure chamber? Empty Re: what is the advantage of having a treasure chamber?

    Post  juggalos Mon May 18, 2009 9:28 am

    i was just wondering that, did't think to look here clown clown

    Posts : 21
    Join date : 2009-03-11

    what is the advantage of having a treasure chamber? Empty ..and culture points?

    Post  Verny Mon May 18, 2009 11:26 am

    Sure I read somewhere that just having a level 1 treasure chamber also helps with your culture points (10 cp which isn't bad for a level 1 building) and hence settling new villages.

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    what is the advantage of having a treasure chamber? Empty Re: what is the advantage of having a treasure chamber?

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