Coalition Boot Camp

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The Coalition

    The Rules (23 Mar 09)


    Posts : 81
    Join date : 2008-12-31

    The Rules (23 Mar 09) Empty THE SCORING SYSTEM

    Post  cicero Mon Mar 23, 2009 4:08 am

    There have been several requests to explain the scoring system:

    The new scoring system has been applied for sake of ease for all players. Players do not, i repeat DO NOT need to keep all their battle reports and painstakenly add up all their loot captured. This is automatically done by TRAVIAN.

    To work out your score please to the following:

    1. Go to the statistics tab at the top of your travian screen.

    2. Click on 'Top 10' icon

    3. This will show you the top 10 players that week (this is for Travian awarded medals). However, the screen will also show you YOUR score for the following:

    ATTACKER OF THE WEEK - this is how many enemy and nature you have killed
    DEFENDER OF THE WEEK - this is how many enemy you have killed in defence

    If you add both of these numbers together it will give you your KILL SCORE for the CBC Competition.

    HIGHEST RISER OF THE WEEK - this figure is not needed for CBC Competition
    RAIDER OF THE WEEK - this figure tells you how many resources you have taken

    To work out your score you merely need to send me the ATTACKER, DEFENDER and RAIDER figures, plus telling me if you have settled/captured or lost an oasis or village.

    I hope this helps


    Posts : 81
    Join date : 2008-12-31

    The Rules (23 Mar 09) Empty The Rules (23 Mar 09)

    Post  cicero Tue Mar 10, 2009 4:06 pm

    The Rules for the Competition are fairly simple - you can gain points for new villages, loot and kills and lose them roughly the same way.

    Cicero and Rockroad will announce the start of each Competition (will be repeated if it proves successful). The Competition will run for 7 days from midnight (UK time) on Sundays to noon the following Sunday.

    The CBC wings have been divided up into eight roughly equal teams per wing, who will face off against each other in Heats. New players will be added to teams based roughly on their ranking but can not join in an already started competition. Since only one player will be champion within each Heat it does not really matter if one side has slightly more players.

    Points are gained by doing the following:
    +100 for conquering village,
    +50 for founding a new village,
    +25 for capturing an oasis,
    +1 per 500 loot gained in net profit (see 1)
    +1/2 per point given for kills (see 2)

    (1) Travian statistics will show you your net resource gain/loss. ie if it says 75988, it will mean you have a net profit of almost 76,000 resources so 152 points
    (2) Travian statistics will show you points for kills you made in attacks/raids and when defending against an attack. The travian scoring system works out points based on the value of troops/creatures killed. ie A macemen eats 1 wheat per hour so 1 point, where as catapults eat 6 so 6 points. if your attacker figure is 176 and defender figure is 49 then you have a total of 225 thus you gain 112 points.

    Points are lost by doing the following:
    -100 for losing a village,
    -50 for losing an oasis,
    -50 for a yellow warning.

    Resources lost will be calculated by the Travian raiders report. Troops lost will merely effect your capability to gain new points.

    When the deadline is reached can players please check their points on the Top Ten charts in Travian Statistics and either IGM leadership or post in the relevant Heat Folder on the forum. It is best to update your score on the forum during the week incase you forget/miss the midnight deadline. if this happens then your last posted score will count. if no score posted then you will be awarded zero.

    The aim of this competition is to build some friendly rivalry between CBC wings and to have some fun. Prizes will vary - it may be resources for lower ranked players or it may be promotion for higher ranked players. Either way the winners will have the honour of being proudly displayed on their respective CBC wings profile page as 'Knight of CBC'. If you win twice then you will become Lord of CBC.

    Please keep an eye on the rules before each new Competition starts as they may be altered if parts are too easy/difficult etc. Let the battle commence :-)

    Last edited by cicero on Mon Mar 23, 2009 4:15 am; edited 1 time in total

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